
身体は児童、中身はおっさんの成り上がり冒険記 サテラもついて行きます!

身体は児童、中身はおっさんの成り上がり冒険記 サテラもついて行きます!

別名: 身体は児童、中身はおっさんの成り上がり冒険記 サテラもついて行きます!, Shintai Ha Jido, Nakami Ha Ossan No Nariagari Boken Ki Satera mo Tsuiteikimasu!, Karada Wa Jidou, Nakami Wa Ossan No Nariagari Boukenki Satera Mo Tsuiteikimasu!, 身体は児童、中身はおっさんの成り上がり冒険記 サテラもついて行きます!, Karada Wa Jidou, Nakami Wa Ossan No Nariagari Boukenki Satera Mo Tsuiteikimasu!


Satella lives with her sickly grandfather in a poor territory.One day, she hears that she has been ordered to search for the lord's son, Gray, and Satella heads to the forest to thank her for finding her and have her grandfather cured.However, there is a monster nesting there, and she finally finds Gray... A new comic version of the popular novel from Satella's perspective!Another world adventure fantasy!!


